So I haven't had a lot of time to paint or blog, but I have managed to get to two shows. First up was the excellent Hammerhead at Newark, many have waxed lyrical about the venue and why not its light, airy and with a ring of traders surrounding a wide range of participation games.

The loot pile is quite restrained for me but one good thing to note is no additions to the lead pile, just a few accessories, a rule book, some additional reading material and some steel paper and mini magnets from Coritani as I have an idea for a fold away board game table. Something like the Agincourt game that did the rounds last year in construction but plain with the steel paper in the corners and the magnets to hold down the non mounted maps a lot of my games have.
Secondly was today's trip to WMMS another good venue although we could all do without the annual fire alarm. The venue has improved its catering options this year with a coffee franchise and additional seating. Yet another figureless haul but before you congratulate me on my restraint you should know I have a Baccus order winging its way to me. Contains some more WOTR billmen and archers, some great war French and some of the newly sculpted war of Spanish succession generals.
So impulse buys included the new Peter Pig ECW rules(mainly for the scenarios), some scenic items for Muskets and Tomahawks including a great canoe, some counters, more reading material and some ACW buildings from Leven Miniatures. The items from the actual shopping list were a few Roman and Medieval tents and couple of siege towers also from Leven.
Finally it should be noted that I have achieved a milestone of sorts in that, all be it behind schedule, I have finished the first command of Yorkist troops for Tewkesbury. I give you tricky Dickie and his crew.

The next command is started indeed you can just make out some of it on painting sticks there in the background, but already done are King Edward IV and a unit of dismounted men-arms.
On the painting table for this week are two units of archers and one of billmen and a unit of great war French all in 6mm, some 28mm Indians, the long awaited 28mm Saracens spearmen, a mounted Saracen warlord and a dismounted Saracen warlord that I have lined up as a gift for a friend.

And just out of shot the Discworld librarian, oook!