Sunday, 7 February 2016

Skipped a week

It was my father's birthday last weekend so we went up north to celebrate, both parents doing well though missing being able to play golf due to the wet weather. Of course this meant I missed doing a post and didn't get a lot of painting done.
I have found a standard for tricky Dickie so that stand is now complete the first stand of infantry for his command is part way through the basing process. Requires some dry brushing and static grass and a flag, but at least I know where that is this time.
Also at this stage are a battalion of French early WWI infantry, which had been loitering at the back of the painting table.
In the background you can see the feet of a unit of Mohawks for the British in the FIW, which will be this week's project along with the remaining two battalions of the French WWI regiment.

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