Showing posts with label ECW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ECW. Show all posts

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Another month with no post

No not health issues just lacklustre performance on my part but as no one reads these musings but me, honest I do, it doesn't really matter.

So what has happened since May, well not a lot. I finished enough of the Baccus ECW figures to try out the Montgomery scenario in the For King and Parliament rulebook. It went fairly well with a glorious victory for the King in no small part due to the rebel cavalry foragers not returning till the last possible moment.
Game start
Game end

Card decks

I sent off the 10mm Fantasy figures and bridge to Joshua Project HQ and was pleasantly surprised to see the good old Royal Mail nail the delivery by beating the paid for 48 hours target.
final unit of orc archers and the worse for wear bridge

To make a change from the ECW figures I started some Baccus late imperial Romans, cataphracts are a pain. I may do these under a 30 days 30 miniatures challenge, but upping the ante slightly by making it 30 days 30 bases. Obviously that will entail more than just the Romans, I also have some 10mm Arab light cavalry from Pendraken on the painting table two bases for To The Strongest and one for ADLG. Plus the newest project 1940 Chain of Command in 10mm using the Gembloux Gap pint sized campaign. Then back to the ECW. So could be a busy month at least work is still alternate weeks in and out.

Monday, 4 May 2020

Finished the rebel cavalry

So it transpires that a week in the office puts a bit of a brake on production, at least on the hobby front. It has taken me till today to finish the rebel cavalry for the FK&P introductory scenario of the battle of Montgomery.

I also finished a couple of gallant gentlemen and two colonel command bases and finally varnished three cabins and a watermill.
I have got the remaining rebel infantry set-up ready to undercoat and some more command figures now some additional bases have arrived from Pendraken. So this coming week of lockdown should hopefully see this mini project finished. Then all I need is a gaming surface to set them loose on. Mat ready but still need the large hill and possibly more stream.

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Sunday post #4

Well I started the rebels earlier in the week although not a great deal of progress so far just done the horseflesh and buffcoats.

The three musketeers at the front are two gallant gentlemen and half a colonel command stand the other half is in amongst the riders behind.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Finished royalists ahead of schedule

Painting went far quicker than expected due in no small part to the efficiency of painting a larger number of horse at the same time.

Group shot

First and second cavalry regiments

Third and fourth cavalry regiments

The infantry

Lurking at the back of the group shot are the rebels.

Monday, 20 April 2020

Monday starting post and late Sunday finishing post

First up the finished, two pike heavy infantry battalia and three forlorn hopes.

They were set to be ready yesterday but when I came to varnish the second pike heavy battalia I realised that I hadn't done the ground. So that put varnishing back to this morning.

It did let me undercoat the next batch of figures so all in all things are still on track.
Here they are one standard infantry battalia and four Swedish doctrine cavalry units.

Monday, 13 April 2020

Monday with a week in work ahead

Which of course may slow things down a bit.

Latest batch of figures is prepared and understated. I'm experimenting with a black undercoat for half of these units and may retry the dot and line technique if I can be disciplined enough.

Sunday, 12 April 2020

Sunday post #2

The first ECW units are painted

Three of them are already on bases but I'm going to wait till more if not most are done before finishing the bases off so I can get a more homogeneous look across both forces.

All four units, three based and the fourth waiting to come off the painting sticks.

Cavalry based to replicate Swedish doctrine under For King and Parliament

Standard foot battalia

Cavalry based to represent Dutch doctrine under FKaP

Flank view of the two cavalry bases.