No not health issues just lacklustre performance on my part but as no one reads these musings but me, honest I do, it doesn't really matter.
I sent off the 10mm Fantasy figures and bridge to Joshua Project HQ and was pleasantly surprised to see the good old Royal Mail nail the delivery by beating the paid for 48 hours target.
final unit of orc archers and the worse for wear bridge |
To make a change from the ECW figures I started some Baccus late imperial Romans, cataphracts are a pain. I may do these under a 30 days 30 miniatures challenge, but upping the ante slightly by making it 30 days 30 bases. Obviously that will entail more than just the Romans, I also have some 10mm Arab light cavalry from Pendraken on the painting table two bases for To The Strongest and one for ADLG. Plus the newest project 1940 Chain of Command in 10mm using the Gembloux Gap pint sized campaign. Then back to the ECW. So could be a busy month at least work is still alternate weeks in and out.